Florida Nature Pictures

Orange Barred Sulphur (male)

Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar
Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar

Found eating the yellow flowers on a Cassia on 10/18/2009.
2 1/2" long.

Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar

J position on 10/28.

Orange Barred Sulphur Pupa

It took him 2 days to fully pupate.
Here is the progression from 10/30 till 11/6.

Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly

On 11/7/09 he emerged from the pupa.

Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly
Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly

The wing span was about 3 1/2".

Orange Barred Sulphur
Phoebus philea
Pieridae Family
11 /2009



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