Florida Nature Pictures

Orange Barred Sulphur Female

Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar
Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar female

This caterpillar was found munching on the yellow flowers of a Cassia Tree.
I believe it was a Christmas Senna Cassia.

Orange Barred Sulphur Caterpillar

Here is a picture showing the top of the caterpillar.

Orange Barred Sulphur Pupa

She stayed in her pupa for 10 days.

Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly

On 10/28/10 she emerged.

Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly Female

It is very difficult to get a good picture with the wings folded down.
No butterflies were hurt during this picture!

The female Orange Barred Sulphur does not have the orange bar on the forewing like the male.

Orange Barred Sulphur Female
Phoebus philea
Pieridae Family



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